With Latest Closure, New Mexico Has Just One Remaining Coal Plant

It's been a long, slow, well-deserved death for New Mexico's coal industry. Since America began waging its war against climate change in earnest, three coal plants have poisoned New Mexico's air. The Escalante Generating Station was the first to close its door completely in August 2020. In 2013, Units 1, 2, and 3 of the Four Corners Generating Station closed. Two more units, four and five, are scheduled to be closed by 2031. Earlier this summer, Unit 1 of the San Juan Generating Station closed after nearly 50 years in operation; Units 2 and 3 had closed in 2017. 40-year-old Unit 4 closed earlier this month after contentious debate over its future: a new carbon capture project will take its place, and, rather than pollute the environment, the plant will make it cleaner. With this, San Juan Generating Station's days producing coal are over. This leaves Units 4 and 5 at Four Corners as the only active coal units in a state that, u...