Joe Biden's Approach To Law Enforcement Embodies The Spirit Of The Constitution

Donald Trump's commercials for the past month or so have dealt exclusively with the issue of police funding. Rather than addressing the reality of police brutality, they portray a world in which the police are cancelled and citizens are left to their own devices in a world of anarchy and violence. This is only made more ridiculous by a clip of Joe Biden saying, "Yes," to an unrelated question, an unethical tactic of blatant falsehood that should not be allowed.
The fact is, "defunding" the police has nothing to do with cutting efforts to prevent crime. It merely calls for gradually transitioning larger portions of funds to preventative efforts rather than reactive ones. In historically-impoverished communities, crime is a way of life, a cycle that can only be broken by those who are shown the benefits of a law-abiding life. Many crimes are also drug-related, and a program that focuses on treatment rather than prison would reduce crime drastically.
Besides Joe Biden's common sense approach to law enforcement, one that embodies the spirit of the Constitution, the Trump campaign has nothing against a man who has devoted half a century to public service.
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