Responding To Trump Touters’ Terrible Tantrum Soundbites

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A few replies to some common claims I've heard from Trump's cult following recently:

1. You're a libtard.

Response: I've heard that word far too often. Putting its politically-incorrect origins aside, I have the facts rather than playground insults on my side.

2. The media is biased.

Response: Did you hear that on Fox News?

3. Joe Biden is guilty of nepotism.

Response: I'm honestly surprised you knew that word. Did Ivanka or Jared Kushner tell you what it means?

4. Liberal America is trying to burn the country down.

Response: I know. How dare people demand equality and justice?

5. People go to college and learn socialism.

Response: So, essentially, you're saying that educated people avoid your party.

6. Hillary was crooked.

Response: You're a sexist and you don't even know it. His fraud university, fraud charity, mishandling of Hurricane Maria, use of political blackmail against Ukraine, work to oppress voting, executive order banning social media fact-checking, and tens of thousands of lies make him trustworthy?

7. Trump is good for the economy.

Response: He came in from an Obama-induced job boom and undid Obama's policies designed for averting a future financial crisis. The national debt continues to grow and the rich grow richer, the only indication the stock market provides. Who cares about new jobs if you have to work three of them to survive?

8. Biden is a rapist.

Response: Biden's accuser has no shred of evidence and is using a prominent Trump donor as her lawyer. Unlike Trump, who has paid millions of dollars in child rape lawsuits, has more than 30 accusers, has admitted to grabbing the genitalia of women on video, and claims Jeffrey Epstein was a "great guy."

9. Biden is an old man with dementia.

Response: Both are roughly the same age, and Biden had 2 brain aneurysms that cause him some problems. Once again unlike Trump, who believes injecting oneself with chemicals is a good idea and flu vaccines can cure COVID-19, and has called himself a "stable genius" and then quoted himself and thanked himself for the quote.

10. Trump puts America first.

Response: Except for his vast Middle East property holdings, his illegal immigrant wife, and his daughter whose production is based out of China.
