Trump's Unprecedented Attack On The Environment

     Donald Trump has repealed an environmental regulation every week of his presidency, a dangerous and unprecedented attack on natural resources that threatens America's future. His targets are far-reaching and impactful. He has worked to repeal the Endangered Species Act, which has saved 99% of the species on the list, and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which has protected dozens of bird species for 100 years. In the battle for climate change, he has made America the only country not party to the Paris Climate Agreement and repealed methane and coal plant regulations. Despite the renewable energy industry going on the up, up, and up, he has placed tariffs on solar panels, opposed wind farms, and given subsidies and approvals to controversial and dangerous pipeline projects. He has lifted the ban on bear baiting and gassing in Alaska's national parks, allowed for increased plastic and hunting in wildlife refuges and national parks, and opened Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante to mining and drilling, Alaska's last rainforest to logging, the Northeast's biggest marine reserve (which is a haven for endangered whales) to commercial fishing, and the Arctic to oil drilling. He has even worked to allow deadly seismic testing on the East Coast and repealed clean water rules passed by the Obama administration.

     Environmental protection has innumerable benefits. Climate change increases flooding and other natural disasters, and combatting it provides resistance. The national parks benefit the mental health of citizens and many jobs are provided by ecotourism and environmental law enforcement. Clean air and water reduces the risk for deadly diseases like cancer and debiliating ones like asthma, and, most obviously, we cannot live on a planet that lacks ability to produce oxygen or regulate climate. We are in the midst of the seventh great extinction, the only difference between the current one and the prior six being that humans are the sole cause and will be the victims. While Earth can repair itself, humans would not have a place on such a new world. Donald Trump's assault on environmental protections is impractical for economic, health, and safety reasons, and anyone consciencious of their environmental footprint can make a difference by voting Donald Trump out of office on November 3. 
