Donald Trump's Attack On The LGBTQIA+ Community

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  Donald Trump has called himself a friend of the LGBTQIA+, and, indeed, 1 in 4 support him. How this is possible is beyond me, given Trump's weekly work to destroy the rights of a vulnerable community that's yet to achieve many basic rights in a supposedly-developed nation. A few examples are below:

1. He banned transgender service in the military and banned the Pride flag from military bases.
2. He fought against a decision by the Supreme Court that ruled the Civil Rights Act covered sexual orientation and identity.
3. He removed government resources about protections for the community with regards to healthcare and the workplace.
4. He allowed schools to discriminate against trans individuals and pledged not to take action against complaints filed by college students.
5. He allowed discrimination against the community by healthcare providers, homeless shelters, and adoption agencies, which would have been banned under proposed legislation.
6. He worked to halt programs focused on LGBTQIA+ youth homelessness, community representation, and disability.
7. He has spoken on at least one occasion to an anti-LGBTQIA+ hate group that supports his campaign.

     With millions of LGBTQIA+ Americans, another 4 years of Donald Trump is simply not an option if we are to retain any level of respect withr egards to our standing in the world.
