How America Caused 9/11

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  The events on September 11th, 2001, were undoubtedly tragic, and they marked a major shift in America as a nation. The Patriot Act and other measures allowed unmitigated intrusion on American everyday life. The creation of the Department of Homeland Security led to a living nightmare for people of Middle Eastern descent regardless of whether they made weapons for ISIS or owned a flower shop and never even got a speeding ticket. Most strangely, the nation has decided to spend half of its budget fighting a threat that kills less people than falling vending machines and pianos while ignoring the destitute in the name of "fiscal conservatism." Sadly, this was all preventable in the worst sense of the word.

Increasing markedly during the administration of Ronald Reagan, America aided rebels like Osama Bin Laden in their efforts to fight the Soviet Union in the Middle East, thereby indirectly fighting the USSR while evading a war. The Taliban was also a recipient of our little gifts. The CIA provided weapons and even instructed the militants on flight ability and tactics such as car bombings that have gained notoriety for their devastating impact when used on the United States.

Rather than doing our own dirty work, we decided to have others do it for us, and it came back to take the lives of 3,000 American citizens. While the senseless violence that resulted in their tragic deaths must never be forgotten, we must stop seeing ourselves as martyrs for the cause of freedom because of this incident. Rather, we must see ourselves as an imperfect nation that fell victim to its own devices, one that needs to try harder should true and sustaining peace be truly attainable.
