The Hypocrisy Of The Anti-BLM Crowd

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     There is no bigger idiot, no bigger hypocrite in the entire United States than someone who doesn't support the Black Lives Matter movement.

     Kneeling. It's a simple statement, but one that draws ire from those who fail to realize that a country is not a flag, but a group of people. Kneeling is not even a statement against the United States, but against a verse in the national anthem that glorifies slavery. (It's a lot longer than the small portion we know.) An even better point is that opposing kneeling is disgracing those who served to protect that right.

     People who use the statement "All Lives Matter" while pretending not to be racist are the classic example. All lives cannot matter until black lives matter. Saying you like tea isn't an anti-coffee statement, and the Black Lives Matter movement never said that all lives don't matter. However, black people are being killed by the police, and pretending this is not the truth is willfull ignorance. 

     Near my home town, Ashwaubenon recently fined peaceful protestors $800 for police services. The same party that opposes the government exercising power and taking the money of citizens has now done both in excess.

     Looting is bad, but the riots that take place after every New England football game are conveniently ignored. FOX News loves to engage in fearmongering, and no better example exists than the scale of these clashes. Cities are portrayed as being completely destroyed and unhinged, when in reality it is just one city block or neighboorhood that has clashes a few times a day, and this is the worst of cases. In Green Bay, for example, among Wisconsin's largest cities, I have seen one broken window. How does this justify calling in the National Guard? Meanwhile, the peaceful protests that make up 98% of the activity are ignored by those who cry "fake news!" 

     We are at a pivotal moment in history. It is up to you to choose which side you will be on: that of oppression, property, and the status quo, or that of human life and decency.
