Why Hasn't Trump's Hurricane Maria Response Been Investigated Like Benghazi?

Hillary Clinton is often targeted for the tragedy that occurred in Bhengazi. In that event, 4 Americans were killed and, despite the claims that "Hillary Clinton slept," she was in the situation room working with top military and cabinet advisors alongside the president. 4 investigations were conducted and not a single one yielded any evidence of wrongdoing on the part of Secretary Clinton.

  Blatant hypocrisy by the GOP is revealed when this is compared to the Hurricane Maria response. 3,000 Puerto Ricans, American citizens, were killed, and the economy of the island was devastated. Two years after the hurricane, only one-third of relief funds reached the island, and, of the 9,000 requests for aid FEMA received, only 190 had been settled. Now, the earthquake and COVID-19 pandemic have pushed the already-high unemployment line above 40%. How many investigations have been launched into this situation? 0.

These are millions of Americans suffering, and Trump has instead decided to take to Twitter to blame the island that is already in shambles and instill division; most of his base doesn't even know that Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory. His casual tossing of paper towels into the crowd was perhaps the canary in the coal mine for today's COVID-19 pandemic.

If the Republican party is truly concerned about Americans as they claim, then why hasn't Trump's Hurricane Maria response been investigated like Bhengazi?
