Here’s Why “All Teachers Are Democrats”

In Wisconsin, an important battle has been raging over the future as a whole. Governor Tony Evers has spent his life in education, working as a teacher and a principal before serving as the Deputy State Superintendent and State Superintendent between 2001 and 2019. When he took office, one of his 3 top priorities was expanding educational funding in the state by $1.5 billion. Wisconsin has a relatively poor education system when compared to the rest of the nation, and a state that direly needs the funds and can afford billions in benefits for out-of-state corporations like Foxconn could afford it. The GOP fought the effort and reduced it until the increase was only $500 million. It was the first education increase in nearly a decade and the first special-education increase since the turn of the century.

Why would educators support those who would leave schools in ruin? Why would educators support those who think it logical to TAKE funding FROM schools with lower test scores rather than increase the funding available to them to ensure all students have a chance?

Better yet, why would educators support those who do not support raising their wages? My mother has dedicated nearly 15 years to helping children with special needs, first as a volunteer, and then, beginning in 2013, as an educator. Even with a series of raises, she makes less than the proposed minimum wage of $15 an hour. If the minimum wage increased as much as buying power decreased, it would be well over $30. Aside from this, educators often have to spend money out of their own pockets and put in significant amounts of work outside of school. Why would somebody with the qualities to be a teacher do so when they can make just as much at a retail store without incurring any college debt.

This post is the result of a question I was asked: why do so many teachers seem to lean blue? It is not a habit of mine to counter one query with another, but I sincerely believe those above suffice to answer themselves.
