Good Night, Trump White House
Good night, Diet Coke button on the desk.
Good night, daily press conferences about how you're the best.
Good night, hourly Tweets showing you're truly insane.
Good night, saying white supremacists are good people.
Good night, tear-gassing peaceful protestors.
Good night, soliciting foreign help in American elections.
Good night, saying 250,000 dead is no big deal.
Good night, vice president who can't inflect his voice.
Good night, dozens of advisors indicted for fraud.
Good night, tax cuts for only the very rich.
Good night, letting children die at their desks.
Good night, spending $150 million on golf.
Good night, letting oil spill on the Arctic ice.
Good night, letting gays around the world die.
Good night, grabbing women by the pussy.
Good night, illegal immigrant wife.
Good night sons who've never had to work a day.
Good night, sleep tight, and wait for justice to bite.
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