How Joe Biden's Presidency Will Mirror That Of FDR


     Franklin D. Roosevelt is almost always ranked as among the 5 greatest presidents in American history. His steady leadership took the United States through the worst economic recession in history and through World War 2, and in the end the country came out better for it.

     What he did was controversial. From creating job corps to Social Security, he was called a socialist, but this socialist was elected to serve 4 terms in the executive mansion.

      Like Roosevelt, Biden faces twin crises: the coronavirus pandemic may prove to be the dealiest event in American history, with 500,000+ deaths forecast in less than a year. Its economic impact has been an obvious devastation, with 9 million jobs permanently lost and 10+% of small businesses shut down. He, additionally, faces a nation in turmoil from race relations.

     Like Roosevelt, Biden also faces the ineptitude of his predecessor, with Hoover and Trump both being hated, one-term, Republican billionaires who ruined the nation. If the presidency of Roosevelt is any indicator, Biden is likely to be considered a top-10 president. He has called for the creation of a job corps, and his management is likely to allay these crises. He is also determined to create permanent solutions for racial justice, LGBT2SQIA+ equality, voting rights, and climate change.

     We have a chance we haven't had in a long time, to create lasting change and move the nation in the right direction once again.
