Joe Biden: The Real "Law And Order" President


     The most common claim touted by Trump supporters is that the election of Joe Biden means chaos, while they ignore the rioting and rapid spread of COVID under Trump. Joe Biden, however, has a long history of law, order, justice, and passion:

     1. Like President Obama, he was a practicing lawyer and a law professor for a number of years.

     2. As a senator, he oversaw the conformation processes of several Supreme Court justices.

     3. As a senator, he was the leading figure behind the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act and the Violence Against Women Act, which created sex offender registries, created the three-strikes law, created the domestic violence hotline, made domestic violence a federal crime, instituted a rape shield law, banned assault rifles for a decade, and collected information on hate crimes against disabled people, reducing crime by nearly a third. 

     4. As a senator, he chaired the International Narcotics Control Caucus.

     5. As a senator, he, alongside John McCain, introduced the reslution to bomb Yugoslavia in 1999 as a response to ethnic cleansing perpetrated against Kosovo. He received a Gold Medal of Freedom from the latter country.

     6. As a senator, he became a climate pioneer when he introduced the first climate change legislation in 1986. 

     7. As vice president, he was tasked with ensuring that the economic recovery bills did not misallocate funds, resulting in a decade of economic growth.

     8. As vice president, he formulated Obama administration policy in Iraq, ending with the withdrawal of troops from the country in 2011.

     9. As vice president, he was the leading voice in the Obama administration for legalizing gay marriage, which occurred in 2015.

     10. As vice president, he was placed in charge of the Gun Violence Task Force.

     11. As vice president, he was placed in charge of the Cancer Moonshot, which secured $1.8 billion in funding for cancer research. As a private citizen, he launched the Biden Cancer Initiative, which raised $400 million in less than 2 years. 

     12. As vice president, he co-chaired the White House Task Force To Protect Students From Sexual Assault.

     He has received dozens of awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction in 2017.
