Getting Involved In Politics Is Not As Difficult As You Think


     Many people think that there is no grey area between getting involved in politics and running for president, but that is simply not true. People of any race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or skill set can get involved. Click here to learn more:

1. Jobs are available in almost any arena, from full-time jobs in merchandising, membership, and writing to part-time jobs canvassing via phone or door-to-door.

2. Local offices like city council member and village president can be attained with enough signatures to get on the ballot and enough handshakes to get votes.

3. Campus and community captains can be trained to organize local demonstrations, meetings, events, fundraisers, and other work.

4. Official membership can be purchased for $5 to $5 million a year. You could be a single parent, a student, a retiree, or a multibillionaire and still have a chance to make a difference.

5. Wearing merch, writing elected officials, and even sharing social media posts and speaking with family members can ensure your voice is heard.
