FOX's Prime Time Tells You All You Need To Know
Most Americans are middle-class workers struggling to make ends meet or to climb up the social ladder. FOX News knows this, and their prime time slot is a prime example of the level to which they are willing to sink. Other networks, like CNN, have their prime time between eight and eleven at night, when most Americans watch TV. FOX? Six o'clock.
Six o'clock is when many Americans working from nine to five finally get home. Tired and angry, they need to vent, and FOX provides a perfect place to do so, blaming women, minorities, liberals, etc. for a variety of made-up problems. The viewers eat it up. FOX is precisely why white supremacism and domestic terrorism are rising.
You can't spend decades stirring up anger among half the country without expecting a few of the less stable ones to go off the deep end, into the rabbit hole of militant conspiracy theories, an alternate reality in which truth and facts are bent to provide easy "fixes" to life.
Fuck you, Faux News!!!
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