Help Defeat FOX News


     For five years, FOX News was Donald Trump's chief apologist, ignoring or explaining away his every atrocious statement and action. They feed falsehoods to military members and the elderly, using fear to make themselves the number one news network at the cost of minorities. They have since lost the latter distinction.

     They continue to lie about and downplay coronavirus, white supremacist terrorism, institutional racism, and other threats that don't make their base look good while playing up threats that are easier for bigots and idiots to digest. Bigots and idiots are the easiest to radicalize. While Trump has been defeated, only dismantling the Faux News machine will help defeat Trumpism, and every post labeled "Faux News" will be dedicated to doing just that.

     We will promote CNN and MSNBC and continue giving fencers a peek behind FOX's curtain. 
