Matt Gaetz's Sex Trafficking Allegation Is No Surprise


     As someone who has covered the issues of sex trafficking and drug abuse for years, there is no surprise in looking at Matt Gaetz's behaviors.

     Florida lawmaker Anna Eskamani recently released an unsolicited voice message from Gaetz, along with his friend Joel Greenberg (currently in jail for identity theft, sex trafficking, and numerous other felony charges) that displayed the two apparently high on PCP, backing up previous claims of drug abuse. Other lawmakers are apparently in possession of evidence that Gaetz showed images of nude women on his phone to lawmakers on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

     Gaetz is part of a Florida political dynasty, a close friend and ally of Former President Donald Trump, and a 2021 CPAC speaker. No politician on the national level aside from Republican Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio (who covered up the sexual abuse of teenage boys as a wrestling coach) has stepped up to defend him, and Kevin McCarthy, the House Minority Leader, has announced that he will accept Matt Gaetz's resignation if the allegations are proven true.

     Gaetz has apparently tried to suggest that the investigation is an extortion attempt against him, even though it was one that began under Trump Attorney General William Barr BEFORE any extortion attempts were allegedly made. His communications director has resigned after an odd interview on Tucker Carlson's show in which Gaetz apparently tried to get Carlson as an alibi. Carlson, visibly confused, refused the "generous offer." The official Gaetz claimed is extorting him, Dave McGee, it is worth noting, left the Justice Department 25 years ago. McGee's attorneys have announced defamation claims against Gaetz.

     The sex trafficking charges are not difficult to prove: for everything Jared Fogle did, he was only ever convicted of crossing state lines to sleep with a 17-year-old prostitute (Fogle received a 15-year prison sentence). If he is convicted, Gaetz faces 20 years in prison with lifetime sex offender registration. Gaetz could also be charged with conspiracy if he is found to be involved in any of Greenberg's criminal activities: the latter is looking down the barrel of a life sentence.

    In 2017, Matt Gaetz was the only U.S. Representative to vote "no" on a piece of legislation to combat human trafficking (it passed 418-1), which only deepens suspicion against Gaetz.
