Donald Trump Is Banned From Facebook... We Can Make It Worse For Him
It's been a bad week for Donald Trump. Sure, he got his petty revenge with Liz Cheney being ousted from GOP leadership. Petty revenge against members of one's own party is not exactly a sustainable plan, however, and I doubt anyone with the little integrity and massive patience required to work for the Orange Loonysicle will put up with it for the rest of Retiree Trump's life (although it is hard to retire when you've never really had to work).
On another note, Trump's ban from Facebook was upheld. Most advertising and public outreach is done by candidates, especially those with *unique* backgrounds like Donald Trump, on social media, and this is a major precedent that will hold leaders accountable to truth and justice and protect the values that the Founding Fathers held: no matter how bitter the division, violence is not the answer what the basic principles of liberty and justice for all are agreed upon by both sides of the aisle.
Trump's dispatched rants from his club at Mar-a-Lago are far from enough to give him a shot at winning in 2024 (Trump will be as old then as Biden is now, and yet Trump 2024 is not "a president marching toward death" in the minds of hypocritical Republicans.
It may be bad, but we can still make it worse for him. This egotistical maniac only cares about his public image, his WWE and McDonald's. Here are a few ways we can absolutely trash it for eternity:
1. Make Biden's hashtags, like #PresidentBiden, #JoeBiden, and #PresidentJoeBiden, surpass Trump's. This one is actually really achievable in the near future.
2. If you want to post about Trump at all on social media, consider using some old favorites, like #fuckdonaldtrump and #trumpisaracist.
3. Donald Trump and the Republikkkans hate 60 Minutes, so we could watch President Biden's and President Obama's instead of President Trump's.
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