Matt Gaetz Has A Long History Of Violent White Supremacy


     Earlier this week, Matt Gaetz made the news when he challenged General Mark Milley over the teaching of critical race theory in the military. Playing FOX News in bases 24-7 is fine, but admitting racism exists is apparently indoctrination, according to Matty, who, by the way, has never served in the military (nor has Tucker Carlson, his chief critic and a man who inherited his fortune from TV dinners). Gaetz is among those Trump supporters mad at Milley for not employing the military to "shoot and crack the fucking skulls" of Black Lives Matter supporters in the summer 2020 protests (Trump's words, not mine). Gaetz is among a particularly cruel league of Florida conservatives doing things like legalizing running over protestors, banning transgender kids from playing sports and mandating they undergo genital exams, working to prevent black people from voting, celebrating Pride Month by cutting transgender mental health services, denying compensation to the Pulse Nightclub victims, banning the teaching of critical race theory, punishing students for not praying in school, and punishing schools who teach anything but conservative values.

     Seeing a man likely to be charged within weeks of child sex trafficking trying to hold a moral high ground over a high-ranking military official is pathetic, but it fits Matt Gaetz' long history of violent white supremacy. In 2018, Gaetz invited Holocaust denier Charles C. Johnson to attend Trump's State of the Union Address; Johnson is an open neo-Nazi who worked and raised money for a white supremacist publication, and Gaetz went on defending him.

     The very impetus for Matt Gaetz's run for the U.S. House of Representatives was the national attention he garnered among white supremacist circles for defending the likes of George Zimmerman in the wake of the shooting of Trayvon Martin. In August 2020, he defended Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old who packed an assault rifle, traveled to Kenosha, Wisconsin, from Chicago, Illinois, and murdered multiple Black Lives Matter protestors. 

     Matt Gaetz has a long history of violent white supremacy; can we just fucking put this guy in prison already?
