Jim Jordan Kisses Ass Until It Pays Off
Jim Jordy is a shorty, shorty who thinks he is a man. His wife is older than he and she has known him since they were kids. It can be all good and well but in this case I can tell it's a matter of convenience and cowardice, not of love. Who could love this guy? What makes him attractive? Is it the fact that he covered up sexual abuse as a wrestling coach, a profession where this sort of story is not a surprise. Is it the fact that he only wins elections because his seat is among the most gerrymandered in the nation? Is it the fact that he is one of only two members of the House of Representatives to not introduce a successful bill? Is it the campaign fraud he is under investigation for? Either way, the fact that his biography was written by an admirer who says he has, "a height of six feet, the perfect body mass, and eyes and blonde hair that benefit a politician " is pathetic. I mean, seriously? If you take one look at Jim Jordan, the one problem you'll find is that none of that is true.
Today, I'd like to focus on another character flaw of Kid TV from Toledo: his being a fucking pussy who grovels to anyone he thinks gives him a fighting chance at advancing his interests, including Donald Trump. Jim Jordan started the insurrection with his echoing of Trump's baseless election fraud claims and then had the nerve to try to help Liz Cheney during the violence, saying they should "get the ladies out." I don't know how to break this to you, Jim, but she serves in the same body you do, and, until she had the courage to speak out against Donald Trump, ranked far higher than you in leadership.
Five days later, he accepted the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Donald Trump, which means nothing and will probably be the crowning achievement of his career at the same time. For the man who spearheaded efforts to attack Hillary Clinton for her doing everything she could to stop the Benghazi attack, launched by foreign terrorists against an embassy in Libya on their own accord, he seems awfully forgiving toward the man who incited a deadlier insurrection among American citizens against the cradle of democracy. Maybe he's a hypocrite or something, but, hey, what the hell do I know?
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