Marjorie Taylor Greene's Failed Bullcrap Piles Higher And Stinks More


     Marjorie Taylor Greene is one crazy conspiracy away from getting kicked off of social media for as long as she holds elected office. I give her a week, tops. From the first emergence of Greene's crazy altercations and beliefs in February to her falsely claiming that Guam was a "foreign land" to this woman with an Adam's apple losing a flag battle of neighboring congressional offices over transgender rights, she has, quite simply, failed and lost.

     Earlier this summer, Greene, who believes in the QAnon conspiracy theory (which claims that Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi are ringleaders of a Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophile cabal), went on a tour with literal sex trafficker and fellow Trump loyalist Matt Gaetz of Florida. Their trouble started out in California, where, not surprisingly, venues who found out Greene and Gaetz wanted to appear their dropped the duo like hot cakes. Upon her return to Washington, D.C., she decided to claim the violent mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6th is a group of "political prisoners." After being denied entry for obvious reasons, she and Gaetz decided to hold a press conference outside. No more than two seconds in, they were swarmed by protestors who heckled them back to their vehicles. Matt Gaetz, to be fair, bore the brunt of it, with people shouting, "Matt Gaetz, are you a pedophile?" Yes, he is.

      But back to Greene. Not surprisingly, a federal judge specifically dismissed her claims that they were political prisoners while sentencing a man to six months behind bars for his actions on that day. For the woman who protested what she called "Fort Pelosi" immediately before another Capitol police officer was killed on April 2nd, her credibility on this is obviously zilch.

     Greene, stripped of her committee assignments, has contented herself with trying to impeach President Joe Biden. For what? Because she doesn't like him. Let me make something perfectly clear: Joe Biden will not be impeached. The fact that he holds both houses of Congress is relevant to Midge's push but irrelevant to the fact that impeachment only comes as a result of high crimes and misdemeanors. As the GOP removed mention of Donald Trump's "historic peace deal with the Taliban," Senator Rick Scott decided to say Biden should be impeached over Afghanistan. I've already discussed why I agree with the president's actions in Afghanistan in other articles. However, it seems Rick just doesn't like what the president did or thinks he is incompetent for choosing the better of two difficult options. If either of these were grounds for impeachment and even if the latter held the slightest degree of truth (it does not), Donald Trump would have been removed from office about two days in.

     Marjorie Taylor Greene gets herself some air time on cable news, but nothing more. By the time she is reelected (and she probably will be, as those nutjobs in her district are just as crazy as she is), even this will fade away, and she will be left with a career devoid of accomplishment.


  1. She'll have plenty of money, though...

    Nice article! Great summation of her lunacy (thus far.)


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