The Battle for the Soul of the Senate.

     Cheri Beasley. Raphael Warnock. Mandela Barnes. Charles Booker. John Fetterman. Evan McMullin. Maggie Hassan. Catherine Cortez Masto. Mark Kelly. Val Demings. Trudy Busch Valentine. The Democratic slate for Senate is the most diverse, youngest, and most progressive slate of Senate candidates ever run, with four black men and four women-- two white, one black, and one Hispanic-- out of these candidates alone. In a historic move, the Utah Democrats have endorsed Evan McMullin, an independent candidate who would be the first independent to serve in the Senate and would drastically shift the game in Utah, a candidate who is virtually tied in the polls with GOP Senator Mike Lee.

     It is going to be an uphill battle, but Democrats are working to keep the House. That in itself would be enough, while the Senate is going to be a much different beast. Democrats are going for more than keeping the Senate or picking up a seat or two: at best, Democrats earn a 56-1-43 majority in the Senate; at worst, Democrats are the 43. Either party has a chance this November to gain a majority that would be virtually guaranteed to last through the end of the decade with very little worry.

     The choice this November could not be more clear: Democrats want to defend and expand reproductive healthcare as Republicans work to criminalize it. Democrats want to defend free and fair elections while Republicans seek to thwart the will of the American people. Democrats are working to strengthen Medicare and Social Security while Republicans propose eliminating it. Democrats are working to build a better America from the bottom up and the middle out as Republicans continue their work catering to the wealthy and corporations. This is the battle for the soul of the Senate and the second battle in what has become a war for the soul of America.

     In all of this, an online movement has emerged, one, well, telling GOP senators to go fuck themselves. I know personally this level of passionate anger: one of my senators is Ron Johnson, who spent Independence Day 2018 in Moscow being wined and dined by Vladimir Putin's Kremlin cronies. Telling the GOP the truth is the least we can do.
  1. r/frj
  2. r/fucklindseygraham
  3. r/fuckmitchmcconnell
  4. r/fuckmarcorubio
  5. r/fucktedcruz
  6. r/fuckjoshhawley
     Everyone who cares about democracy, about common decency, about working families, and about the United States needs to send a resounding message in November. Fuck Ron Johnson. Fuck Lindsey Graham. Fuck Mitch McConnell. Fuck Marco Rubio. Fuck Ted Cruz. Fuck Josh Hawley. Fuck the GOP. Vote Democratic!
