A Running List of President Biden's Vetoes

     In March 2023, more than two years after taking office, President Biden issued his first veto. Since then, he has issued 10 more, for a total of 11 vetoes preventing legislation passed by Cuckold Kevin McCarthy and MAGA Mike Johnson from becoming the law of the land. They are as follows:

  1. March 20, 2023: President Biden vetoed a bill that would have reversed a Department of Labor rule bolstering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing.
  2. April 6, 2023: President Biden vetoed a bill that would have weakened protections for waterways in the United States.
  3. May 16, 2023: President Biden vetoed a bill that would have overturned a Department of Commerce rule to support the solar industry.
  4. May 25, 2023: President Biden vetoed a bill that would have overturned important police reform provisions made in Washington, D.C.
  5. June 7, 2023: President Biden vetoed a bill that would have overturned President Biden's student loan forgiveness program.
  6. June 14, 2023: President Biden vetoed a bill that would have rolled back emissions regulations on heavy-duty vehicles.
  7. September 26, 2023: President Biden vetoed two bills that would have rolled back protections for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken and the Northern Long-Eared Bat.
  8. December 19, 2023: President Biden vetoed a bill that would have made it harder for small business owners to assess lending opportunities.
  9. January 24, 2024: President Biden vetoed a bill that would have weakened Buy America requirements for electric vehicle charges.
  10. May 03, 2024: President Biden vetoed a bill that would have narrowed the definition of a joint employer.
     None of these vetoes have been overridden, unlike during the Trump administration and most administrations before it, which is a testament to the reasoning behind each and every one of these vetoes of legislation aimed at moving America backward. More are likely to come as the 2024 election approaches, and they will be added. 
