42 Months In: President Biden's 42 Greatest Achievements

  1. Assassinated the leaders of ISIS and al-Qaeda.
  2. Ended the War in Iraq and the War in Afghanistan.
  3. Resumed ties with the Palestinian Authority, provided billions of dollars in humanitarian aid to Palestine and tens of billions of dollars to defend Israel, resolved the Israel-Lebanon maritime dispute, and proposed a truce to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
  4. Provided nearly $200 billion in support for Ukraine while leading global sanctions against Russia and helping Sweden and Finland join NATO.
  5. Passed the largest investment in American infrastructure since the 1950s, including the largest-ever dedicated funding for bridges and hundreds of billions of dollars in funding for roads, airports, and waterways.
  6. Signed the Ocean Shipping Reform Act and took executive action to reduce shipping costs.
  7. Secured more than $90 billion to provide universal access to broadband and worked with allies to develop secure private-sector-led 5G networks.
  8. Announced a $15 billion initiative to remove all lead pipes and paint by 2030 and made an investment of $55 billion in the largest investment in clean water infrastructure in American history.
  9. Provided the largest dedicated rail funding since the creation of Amtrak in 1971, including the first federal funding for high-speed rail.
  10. Vaccinated more than 80 percent of Americans against COVID-19.
  11. Created nearly 16 million jobs, the most of any president in one term.
  12. Created nearly 800,000 manufacturing jobs and nearly 500,000 auto industry jobs in the strongest growth for American manufacturing since the 2008 recession.
  13. Increased federal spending on and support for small businesses, with 2021 through 2023 being the three best years for small business applications in American history.
  14. Secured the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, including a record low black unemployment rate.
  15. Signed the historic COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act and Emmett Till Antilynching Act to combat a rise in hate crimes. 
  16. Appointed the first black woman to the Supreme Court and the most diverse slate of federal judges in American history, including the first Muslim-American federal judges and more black women and AAPI individuals than any president in history.
  17. Made Juneteenth, celebrating the end of slavery, the first new national holiday in nearly four decades.
  18. Signed a comprehensive police reform executive order on the anniversary of the murder of George Floyd and increased funding for community-oriented policing.
  19. Signed the Respect for Marriage Act, providing federal protections for same-sex and interracial marriages.
  20. Cancelled $150 billion in student debt for nearly five million Americans and lowered payments for tens of millions of others.
  21. Secured the largest increase to the Pell Grant in history while providing $16 billion for HBCUs and cracking down on predatory institutions to make higher education more affordable.
  22. Signed the Postal Service Reform Act, protecting six-day mail delivery and reducing the USPS budget deficit.
  23. Signed the Honoring Our PACT Act, providing $300 billion in benefits to millions of veterans suffering from toxic exposure in the largest such legislation in decades.
  24. Signed the first major gun safety legislation in 30 years and took more executive action on gun violence in one term than any president in U.S. history, contributing to the largest decline in violent crime in modern history. 
  25. Reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act with $1 billion and signed legislation ending forced arbitration and non-disclosure agreements in sexual assault and harassment cases as well as an executive order overhauling the military's handling of sexual assault.
  26. Reversed Trump's Muslim ban and family separation policies and announced historic actions expanding DACA, increasing refugee admissions, expanding healthcare to DACA recipients, expanding protections to spouses of immigrants, and providing billions of dollars to Northern Triangle countries.
  27. Signed an executive action to handle the border crisis that led to a 40 percent reduction in border encounters within a matter of weeks.
  28. Committed to carbon neutrality at home and abroad by 2050 and set the United States on track to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 with the largest investment in clean energy and most expansive set of climate actions in American history.
  29. Launched the "America the Beautiful" plan to protect 30 percent of America's land and waters by 2030 and protected more land and water in his first term than any president in American history.
  30. Provided tens of billions of dollars for environmental cleanup and restoration initiatives at home and abroad, including for the Great Lakes, the Everglades, Western waterways, Superfund sites, American forests, and rainforest and ocean ecosystems around the world.
  31. Pardoned nonviolent marijuana offenders federally, called on state governors to do the same, signed the first-ever dedicated cannabis legislation in American history, and began rescheduling marijuana while a record number of states expanded access to cannabis.
  32. Protected pensions for over one million Americans with the American Rescue Plan Act and took executive actions to support workers that helped create the largest wave of unionization in decades while raising the minimum wage for federal contractors and signing the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.
  33. Expanded subsidies for the Affordable Care Act and took executive action that reduced the rate of Americans without health insurance to its lowest in history.
  34. Allowed Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs for the first time, saving Americans money on prescriptions and cutting the deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars.
  35. Forced prescription drug companies to pay a rebate if they increase drug prices faster than inflation and capped out-of-pocket costs for Medicare recipients at $2,000 a year.
  36. Capped the cost of insulin at $35 per month and made vaccines free for Medicare recipients.
  37. Expanded healthcare through the American Rescue Plan Act by providing a 100 percent subsidy for COBRA plans and expanding postpartum Medicaid coverage from two months to one year.
  38. Signed numerous pieces of legislation and executive orders that led to the most aggressive anti-monopoly enforcement of any president in modern history.
  39. Signed a historic consumer protection executive order that restored net neutrality, wiped medical debt from credit reports, allowed hearing aids to be sold over the counter, expanded the right-to-repair, made the market fairer for farmers, cracked down on "made in the USA" fraud, slashed bank fees by 75 percent, allowing automatic flight refunds, promoted biosimilar drugs, and dozens of other actions.
  40. Tightened made in America rules to raise the requirement from 51 percent to 75 percent to be certified and awarded federal contracts to companies that make products in America.
  41. Protected public health by creating a Public Health Job Corps, hiring more public health workers, restoring the White House directorate for global helath security, rejoining the World Health Organization, signing historic legislation to cure Parkinson's and ALS, and creating an ARPA-H program to fight cancer and other serious illnesses.
  42. Restored federal funding for Planned Parenthood and signed historic executive orders to protect reproductive healthcare after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.
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