Help Dems Take Back the House

     The 2024 election is the final showdown, America's chance to defeat Donald Trump and Project 2025 once and for all. President Biden just proposed historic Supreme Court reform; the next president will have the chance to appoint one to three Supreme Court justices and fill federal judicial vacancies; and Donald Trump and JD Vance are continually promising to end American democracy, to restore the spoils system of the 1820s, and to be a "dictator" and ensure that Americans "won't have to vote again."

     In addition to the presidential race, every House seat as well as a crucial slate of Senate seats are at stake, which will determine who the next president will be able to appoint to courts and federal agencies as well as what legislation and executive actions they will be able to pass and whether or not they can be held accountable for any actions they take. The House is Republican-majority by just a few seats, and winning these seats alone would help Democrats take back the House and defend American democracy:

  1. To unseat Bryan Steil and Derrick Van Orden in Wisconsin, support the Wisconsin Democratic Party here.
  2. To help Elissa Slotkin hold on to her seat in Michigan, click here.
  3. To help Dan Kildee hold on to his seat in Michigan, click here.
  4. To help Greg Landsman hold on to his seat in Ohio, click here.
  5. To help Emilia Sykes hold on to her seat in Ohio, click here.
  6. To unseat Brian Fitzpatrick in Pennsylvania, donate to Ashley Ehasz here.
  7. To help Susan Wild hold her seat in Pennsylvania, click here.
  8. To help Matt Cartwright hold his seat in Pennsylvania, click here.
  9. To help Tom Suozzi hold on to his seat in New York, click here.
  10. To unseat Anthony D'Esposito in New York, support Laura Gillen here.
  11. To unseat Mike Lawler in New York, support Mondaire Jones here.
  12. To unseat Marc Molinaro in New York, support Josh Riley here.
  13. To unseat Brandon Williams in New York, support John Mannion here.
  14. To help Pat Ryan hold his seat in New York, click here.
  15. To help Chris Pappas hold his seat in New Hampshire, click here.
  16. To help Don Davis hold on to his seat in North Carolina, click here.
  17. To unseat David Schweikert in Arizona, donate to the Arizona Democratic Party here.
  18. To unseat Juan Ciscomani in Arizona, donate to Kirsten Engel here.
  19. To help Susie Lee hold her seat in Nevada, donate here.
  20. To help Steven Horsford hold his seat in Nevada, donate here.
  21. To unseat John Duarte in California, support Adam Gray here.
  22. To unseat David Valadao in California, support Rudy Salas here.
  23. To unseat Mike Garcia in California, support George Whitesides here.
  24. To unseat Michelle Steel in California, support Derek Tran here.
